Friday, April 9, 2010

Sidbenmore's Gears of War 2 Review

Gears of War 2 Review By SidbenmoreFriday Night I had the oppurtunity to get together with some of my gaming buddies to indulge in a little bit of shoot em up action on the new game Gears of War 2. We played Cooperative Campaign on Hard-Core with 4 people switching off as soon as someone died. Previously, I had played the first Gears of War on Insane mode with another friend of mine so I was somewhat familiar with the reload system, weapons, etc. First off anyone who enjoyed the first game is bound to enjoy the sequel as it is nearly identical to the original in almost everyway. Having said this I feel like this game has a alot of small problems which could easily be fixed and thus make it an overall better game. The campaign mode seems almost exactly like the original: Hordes of enemies run at you with guns so you take cover and shoot. This kind of gameplay extends throughout the entire game. The new enemies that have been added don't seem that far off from the original as they are simply small variations to the typical brutes you fight in most every generic FPS. Also, there doesn't seem to be that much variation in terms of weapons beyond the occasional heavy weapon. Most of the time you will be using an Assualt Rifle, Shotgun, or Sniper to take out countless enemies from level to level. Many people have been saying that the cover system has been refined, my response to that is: not really. If you are running through the game holding A you will still often times cling to objects that you didn't intend to and you will struggle to control the direction your character faces and moves when on an item -- specifically in corners. Like any other system after getting used to it, it can be overcome and works well with the gameplay. Another notable difference between GOW and GOW2 is the addition of large scale enemies that were seen but not battled with in the original. Frankly what seemed like it would be an epic battle instead turned into a fragment of a second, battles with these enemies last about 10 seconds and do not involve any sort of challenge whatsoever, in fact this is true of the entire game. Playing the game on Hard-Core was a breeze and felt only slightly more difficult than easy mode would be on any other game. In addition the game requires very little precision when taking shots as head shots don't seem to be worth the trouble when fighting a majority of the enemies in the game. Overall the game was good to play through but in no way does it deserve a perfect score, and it is my assumption that in due time this game will fall from the ranks as the popular game to play (as did Halo). One of the reasons Gears of War was so emersing was due to its innovative style and refreshing gameplay which Gears of War 2 ultimately lacks.Gears of War 2: BSidbenmore's Gears of War 2 Review
You could have put this down as a User Review for Gears 2...Sidbenmore's Gears of War 2 Review
very good review... but wall of text is a no no. use some paragraphs or something.
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You were saying that it's too easy on Hardcore, which is totally wrong. Play through the game BY YOURSELF without the ability to just be picked up whenever your health dips a bit too low and you've got yourself a real problem. Insane is gonna be WAY harder.And the game cover HAS BEEN refined. I've heard it straight from CliffyB that's there's been over 500 tweaks to the cover system. Not good enough for you? Wait for Gears 3.
[QUOTE=''Quintinius''] You were saying that it's too easy on Hardcore, which is totally wrong. Play through the game BY YOURSELF without the ability to just be picked up whenever your health dips a bit too low and you've got yourself a real problem. Insane is gonna be WAY harder.And the game cover HAS BEEN refined. I've heard it straight from CliffyB that's there's been over 500 tweaks to the cover system. Not good enough for you? Wait for Gears 3.[/QUOTE] Name the 500 tweaks
[QUOTE=''qwertyoip''][QUOTE=''Quintinius''] You were saying that it's too easy on Hardcore, which is totally wrong. Play through the game BY YOURSELF without the ability to just be picked up whenever your health dips a bit too low and you've got yourself a real problem. Insane is gonna be WAY harder.And the game cover HAS BEEN refined. I've heard it straight from CliffyB that's there's been over 500 tweaks to the cover system. Not good enough for you? Wait for Gears 3.[/QUOTE] Name the 500 tweaks[/QUOTE] Are you stupid, you can't name tweaks and especially not 500 of them. They're just lots of little minute details about the cover system that was changed to suit a better game experience. It's not like they drastically altered the game. They're not exactly noticable at the forefront but you'd notice how it's easier to move around now.
[QUOTE=''qwertyoip''][QUOTE=''Quintinius''] You were saying that it's too easy on Hardcore, which is totally wrong. Play through the game BY YOURSELF without the ability to just be picked up whenever your health dips a bit too low and you've got yourself a real problem. Insane is gonna be WAY harder.And the game cover HAS BEEN refined. I've heard it straight from CliffyB that's there's been over 500 tweaks to the cover system. Not good enough for you? Wait for Gears 3.[/QUOTE] Name the 500 tweaks[/QUOTE] I think he may have been using hyperbole, clearly not to be taken literally, but he's right about some little adjustments within the cover system, and obviously elsewhere
I want this game so badly! I have to wait for christmas!
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Gears of War more immersive than Gears of War 2? Are you f'in kidding me? Wow.. I think you're alone on that one. Gears of War 2 is is LEAPS and BOUNDS better than Gears of War in every way imaginable. Without giving out any spoilers, in my eyes, i can be compared to MGS4, with many aspects and elements Epic Games put in there. I just completed it last night and I was ''awed'' by how immersive, and creative they were with GOW2. I didn't expect 95% of the stuff they put in this game. It's on a bigger, more epic scale. There are two bugs that really pissed me off but they can easily be overlooked compared to what this game has to offer. Nearly identical?!!?!? You make me mad... wow, did you even play the game? Are you trolling? You couldn't do more than half of the things you can do in Gears of War 2 in part one. I think you're a troll. And people who know me, would know I'm not just **** GOW2 is not what this guy says it is. Everything from the epic campaign to the multiplayer modes are extremely well done. More replayability, just everything is bigger, better, and more badass like Cliffy B promised. Check out my review this week once I'm through with the multiplayer modes. This is nutz. Don't believe this guy.If you don't own Gears of War 2, and you've played part one, please reconsider, and disregard this nutty review. If you've played GOW2, you would know that it is GOW on a ''whole 'nother level.'' I can honestly say that I was extremely impressed and satisfied with the sequel and it does the franchise tremendous justice. GOW3 will be on a more grandeur scale. Epic Games has not and does not disappoint their GOW fans, and new gamers, alike. Get this game, and if you don't like it, write me hate mail. I'm that serious. Just wow...unbelievable this guy...
You should learn to use the Enter key more often. Would make it a lot easier to read, just a tip.
There is a user review section on this website, I suggest you use it instead of creating disruptive posts in the forums.

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