Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This is bad timing..........

Please use the 360 repairs thread that we have stickied above. - AsproThis is bad timing..........
You could always just borrow a friend's 360 or just rent one for relatively cheap.This is bad timing..........
wait so whats the difference if you have 1 red and 3 reds, i dont get why they wont cover the 1 red isnt RROD just one whole thing? why are there different numbers and 3 is the number they cover.
Seriously man, 1 red ring of death isnt a hardware failure as far as I know. I think it means your video cables are loose.
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[QUOTE=''Gamerkat'']Seriously man, 1 red ring of death isnt a hardware failure as far as I know. I think it means your video cables are loose.[/QUOTE] Yes it can be a hardware problem and yes MS will NOT cover it. I had the same thing and even after talking to multiple level ppl on the 1 800 # I still had to pay. right before they dropped the price so I had to pay $135 canadian when I could have gotten a new arcade with controller, 2 games, and HDMI for $199. I still get a bit mad but what can I do now??
you've made this same thread about 4-5 times this week... stop it
here you go..http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=909102864%26topic_id=26663894 http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=909102864%26topic_id=26662747 http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=909102864%26topic_id=26665325
[QUOTE=''mfp16'']here you go..http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=909102864%26topic_id=26663894 http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=909102864%26topic_id=26662747 http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_msgs.php?board_id=909102864%26topic_id=26665325 [/QUOTE]You've got too much free time on your hands son.
[QUOTE=''Ket87'']You've got too much free time on your hands son. [/QUOTE] probably...

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